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Tamilla Kulieva chooses Caviar Luxury Collection by Propharm


The make-up of the theater burdens my skin every day. The CAVIAR series of the Greek cosmetics company PROPHARM is my favorite habit…

The beloved protagonist Tamilla Kulieva chooses the Greek care line Caviar by Propharm, with sturgeon caviar, organic olive oil, hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E.


facial serum with propharm caviar


Her favorite product from the Greek Propharm Caviar line?

The Advanced Caviarlift Face Serum with sturgeon caviar extract, hyaluronic and Vitamin E. Face serum with sturgeon caviar extract, rich in amino acids, proteins, vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6 fats, which help the process of cell renewal and skin reconstruction. Composition with organic olive oil, hyaluronic acid, pomegranate, aloe and cucumber extracts, a complex of vitamins A, E, F, H and provitamin B5 that contribute to improving the quality of your skin.

The Olive Touch Caviar Luxury Collection line of cosmetics consists of 6 products with sturgeon caviar extract, rich in amino acids, proteins, vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6 fats, which help the process of cell renewal and skin reconstruction. Caviar extract is highly moisturizing thanks to omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which provide moisture and leave behind a beautiful glow, making the skin more radiant and youthful. Products dermatologically tested by PROPHARM’s Greek laboratory



My skin feels firmer than ever! Advanced technology cosmetics. Choose your own luxury…




Discover the best selling Caviar by Propharm care products!

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